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    For upcoming live training, visit the NAFMP website

    The North American Fatigue Management Program (NAFMP) is an effective educational and training program for the motor carrier industry. The program aims to prevent fatigue-related risks and costs by implementing a fatigue risk management system (FRMS) and cultivating a corporate safety culture that values an alert and productive workforce. 

    The NAFMP provides drivers with the necessary knowledge to maintain a state of alertness that includes sleep hygiene, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and warm relationships and the necessary skills to apply that knowledge while on duty including recognizing objective signs of fatigue. The NAFMP recommends that FRMSs include sound scheduling practices, a sleep disorder management program and fatigue detection technologies. More information, tools, webinars, articles, and live events, please visit the NAFMP website. 

Available courses

FMP Introduction and Overview

Target Audience: Carrier executives and other managers
Estimated Duration: 45 min

Safety Culture and Management Practices

Target Audience: Carrier executives and other managers
Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours

Driver Education

Target Audience: Drivers
Estimated Duration: 3 hours

Driver Family Education

Target Audience: Drivers' Spouses and Family
Estimated Duration: 45 min

Train-the-Trainer for Driver Education and Family Forum

Target Audience: Trainers
Estimated Duration: 3.5 hours

Shippers and Receivers

Target Audience: Shippers and Receivers
Estimated Duration: 30 min

Motor Carrier Sleep Disorders Management

Target Audience: Carrier Executives and Managers
Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours

Driver Sleep Disorders Management

Target Audience: Drivers
Estimated Duration: 1.25 hours

Driver Scheduling and Tools

Target Audience: Dispatchers and Managers
Estimated Duration: 1 hour

Fatigue Monitoring and Management Technologies

Target Audience: Carrier Executives and Managers
Estimated Duration: 1 hour